Painting & blasting
Cost savings
ALTRAD SERVICES Benelux works with condition-based inspections. This makes the costs for painting and blasting predictable in a reliable way. Direct access to all data collected during work is possible. Together, we can achieve the ideal scope for the project.
Unique experience
In consultation with our clients, we perform our industrial painting and blasting projects on site. Possible applications for painting are:
- Process and storage equipment
- Pipelines
- Structural steelworks
- Tank coatings
- Floors, walls, ceilings and roofs
We use the safest and most suitable preparation techniques, such as manual and mechanical preparation, washing up to Ultra High Pressures and wet and dry blasting.
Best en most sufficient
ALTRAD SERVICES Benelux works closely with material suppliers for painting and blasting. We thus know exactly which coating is most suitable in which situations. We have extensive experience with all possible coating methods, from brushes and rollers to all types of spraying equipment. And thanks to our extensive experience with coatings in different sectors, we can guarantee a high quality and efficient working method.